Coaching in
English Writing
I work with you in every step of the writing process: from articulating a strong message, to overcoming writer's block, to fine-tuning grammar and style in English writing. My approach teaches long-term proficiency while turning out polished written products.
My private clients include scientists, professionals, and executives in many fields and industries.
How does writing coaching work with you?
I always adapt my coaching to your situation. But I have found most clients like to combine periodic conversations with written feedback and screencasts. The first two are clear enough, but what's a "screencast"? This means that I record my voice and computer screen as I give feedback on your text. This lets me give a "data dump" of information very efficiency. Screencasting certainly has its benefits, but of course it is no substitute for conversations. I also always offer tailored advice on additional resources to improve your writing on your own.
How much do you charge for writing coaching?
I have a sliding price scale, with lower prices for the academic world, mid-range prices for the startup world, and higher prices for the corporate world. I also offer discounts for long-term clients. Get in touch with me to discuss details.
Who are your clients?
I have worked with many people from all walks of life. I can't give you names, but here is a list of companies and institutions where my private clients have worked or studied:
Fidelity (Boston)
Harvard College
SwissRE (Munich)
Boston University
Siemens (Munich)
Endeva UG (Berlin)
University of Passau
University of Lucerne
Tech4Germany (Berlin)
Isotronic GmbH (Berlin)
Aliigon GmbH (Zug, CH)
University of St. Gallen
Spencer Stuart (Munich)
University of Göttingen
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Business School
Energy Aspects (London)
Harvard Extension School
Serviceplan Group (Munich)
Helmholtz Institute (Munich)
Global Access GmbH (Munich)
Technical University of Munich
Leuphana University Lüneburg
University of California at Davis
University of FLorida (Gainsville)
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Bavarian Research Alliance (Munich)
Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich
University of Southern Denmark (Odense)
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (Plön)
Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition (Munich)
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg
Do you also edit and proofread English texts?
I do, but only in combination with coaching. The reason is that many people mistakenly think they need a proofreader when what they most need is to learn to write more clearly. An editor can only do so much. Moreover, good editing requires extensive dialogue between the writer and editor. I'll edit your texts if you are eager to have that dialogue and to use it as a chance to mature as a writer.
Do you offer coaching online?
Yes, of course. We can meet over Zoom, Skype, Teams, or whatever platform you like.
for students & researchers
for startups & young companies